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CCL Handle Polishing Set
11830 CCL Knife Handle Polishing Set - Glossy  $35.00
4 in stock

The complete kit contains one 50ml bottle of grain sealer to quickly fill any open pores, a piece of 800 grit tungsten carbide paper, and one 50ml bottle of fast drying oil to produce a weatherprooof oil finished glossy sheen.

Full instructions are included.  No special tools or skills required.

Produces the best glossy finish of any product I have ever used.

With care the kit will last up to 15 knife handles.
CCLPolishing Set 11832 CCL Knife Handle Polishing Set - Glossy Large $85.00
2 in stock

The complete kit contains one 100ml bottle of grain sealer to quickly fill any open pores, a piece of 800 grit tungsten carbide paper, and one 250ml bottle of fast drying oil to produce a weatherproof oil finished glossy sheen.

Full instructions are included.  No special tools or skills required.

Produces the best glossy finish of any product I have ever used.

With care the kit will last up to 15 knife handles.